Telemedicine- How it has Increased the reach of Healthcare to Patient’s Doorstep

Telemedicine is that branch of healthcare technology that provides remote clinical services, via real time communication between the patient and the healthcare provider, using the electrical audio/video tools.

                                         Benefits of telemedicine: How remote access to care can help you - Insider

            Telemedicine services has actually started long back, but its reach and potential came into action in the late 20th century with the advancement in the usage of technology it has now became an integral part of the healthcare system.

Telemedicine in the primary care, is usually in the form of phone calls where the patients seeks help from the doctors, for non-emergency health problems, which doesn’t require physical visit to the doctor. But it don’t replace face to face consultation when it is required, but it complements it.

The real role of telemedicine is to provide convenience to the patients and practitioners by eliminating the requirement of paying the visit to the doctor in person. This is a cost saving approach and most correctly I will say it is a time saving process, both in terms of the patient and the doctors.

Telemedicine doesn't eradicate the usage of laboratory and other important services, these are the places where the person has to be physically present to get diagonised. 

How Telemedicine is impacting our day to day health concerns?

There are many existing diseases like hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. that requires constant monitoring and increase/decrease of dosage of the medicine that is to be advised to the patients on a regular basis, in this scenario telemedicine plays a vital and effective role. It can be done with the help of phone calls, video conferencing. With the advancement in technology now there is also apps designed by many practitioners, healthcare agencies to assist patient from around the corner of the world.

Benefits of Telemedicine

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Telemedicine doesn’t require any significant outlay, only two major requirements a web camera and a secure patient portal that connects to the doctor and records the information for proper tracking and diagnosis og the health of the patient.

Lower waiting time which comprises to the better diagnosis and treatment of the of the patients and lesser cost and more consultation.

The availability of the patients data online make its more reliable and authenticate and widely reachable and gives lifetime access to the patient anywhere.

It makes the healthcare experience much better between the doctor and the patients, in places where good medical facilities are lacking telemedicine makes it easier.

Divisions of Telemedicine

There are many studies and researches going on in this field, it includes:





And many more..


With the advancement of time and technology there will be more new techniques coming up improve the healthcare delivery to the patients.

In this way telemedicine is helping in the delivery of healthcare to the patients in their home environment and solving the issues of the patients.


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  1. Consulting a Doctor over the Internet has helped the people to a greater extent. What a beautiful blog!
    It really helped me a lot in the field of ONLINE DOCTOR CONSULTATION SERVICES


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