Healthcare-A Boon to the Human Life

A brief About the Healthcare Industry

Healthcare industry also known as medical industry, is one of the largest and dynamic industry in the world. It helps to grow the economy of the nation by serving the people of the country. 
The beginning of healthcare sector was established long back during the early age when there were no doctors, no nurses, people at that time depended on the Ayurvedas that were given by the Rishi-Munis or the Vaidya's present in the local areas. The Healthcare sector has now emerged as a new hub of technology and innovation making the treatment and survival of the patient more easy and convenient. At present the rate of average age of survival of a person in India is 60 years and is expected to increase more in the near future.

Healthcare in the Early Period

In the early 60's,70's, 80's the healthcare sector was not so developed in India, the people at that time mostly depended on the natural resources to derive the medicine, like Tulsi, Neem, Aswagandha and many more. The people were more depended on Vaidya's and other homemade techniques. In the early period deliveries were done on natural phenomena, without any surgeries and all. People at that tim mostly believed in Ayurveda, rather than Allopathy and other technologies. Medical Implants were available for only few body parts and they have to be replaced after sometime whenever implanted in the body to avoid corrosion and other infections.

Healthcare in the Modern Age/Current Period

At the present the healthcare sector has seen many changes like more and more new technologies and innovation can be seen. At present we can see many new technologies like telemedecine and robotics which are in the nurturing phase. At the present we can see Biomaterials are playing major role in designing of the implants of the human body. Biomaterials are the substance which are used for the manufacturing of implants, ceramics etc.These are the materials which are adaptable to the body easily and doesn't affect our body and implants needed to be replaced. It has make the life of the people more healthy and convenient. There are many diagnostics technologies like X-ray, C. T. Scan, MRI techniques which are improving the health diagnosis of the people. There came drugs like penicillin and many other life saving drugs. Polio got completely eradicated. So there are many innovations in the life saving drugs. Treatment of people got more and more complicated but yet though easy. the expected life expectancy of a person ha increased to an average of 60 years. Doctors, Nurses, Biomedical Engineers, Researchers and other medical and paramedical staffs are playing a key and major role for providing health support to the people. Ayurveda and Homeopathy have also improved and modernised a lot and are equally  competing with the technology in saving lives. Multispeciality hospitals, Air Ambulances, Super Speciality clinics are some of the new age treating arenas and associates. People nowafdays rely more on drugs rather then home techniques for treating themselves. Now Cancer is a disease which can be treated if detected in the early stage. Many new therapies such as immunoassys, Physio therapies, plastic surgeries have evolved which is making the lifestyle of the people more easy and life saving. There are many more expectations in the near future in the healthcare industry.

Healthcare in the Future(Expected)

In the future we can expect healthcare as a completely new and evolved sector with the help of Artificial intelligence, Robotics, and many other new ninnovations there will be drastic and dynamic change can be expected. People in the near future might not have to visit doctors anymore for small and acute diseases they can get the treatment  sitting at their own homes and doctors from any part of the world can deliver treatment to the patient with the help of telemedecine. Robptic surgeries can be expected which will increase the overall accuracy of the treatment of the patient reducing the load of the the doctors. Patient data can be traced with the help of Bluetooth and IoT(Internet of things) which will reduce the paper works of overall healthcare industry. More new technologies are under research for improving the quality of life of the people. Mobile health devices like fitbits are some of the examples that we can expect in the future. For example a small device in your body can analyse your whole body like pulse rate, blood pressure and other crucial body data and recording it in the server so that the patient and doctors can both continuously monitor these datas and improve the health accordingly. So we can say in a nutshell that there are lot many change yet to be discovered in this sector. One such technology we can say is nanotechnology, on which researches are going on. 
There will be certainly many challenges we will be facing in developing these techniques but it will certainly improve the life of the people.

What Experts said during a Healthcare Conclave... Read more

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